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My name is Asha Wilson, I’m an illustrator, designer and community arts practitioner based in South East London.
Open to collaborate and work.

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10 Years of SHAME - Universal Credit

Elements of this Project:
  • Video
  • Online Petition
  • Website
  • Instagram Adverts
“10 Years of SHAME” aims to highlight what UC is and what the flaws are, bringing light to the impacts that continue to be ignored by those in power. From the moment you apply for UC, the suffering begins. Applicants are forced to wait up to five weeks for their first payment and that is only the start. Through research, statistics around homelessness and increase in food bank usage correlates with areas where UC has been put in place, alongside the numerous reports of individuals starving to death or committing suicide due to unrealistic funds they’re granted from the government. The story is told through the use of a common theme, the number ‘10’.
This project was created as part of a Collaboration with the incredibly talented designer Kirsty McKinley (  who  worked on the video whilst I created a social media presence and website for the project.

We recieved a Gold Creative Conscience Award
for this project (2020)

You can see our work on their website here:

Website Pages

Website Pages Mockup

Instagram Adverts